
Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is indigenous to temperate zones. Black Cohosh is currently listed as an endangered plant. You can find out more about endangered plants at the United Plant Savers website.
Black cohosh acts mainly on the nervous system and the female reproductive organs.
It is widely used for menopause which is part of the reason that this herb is now on the endangered species list. It is a safe and effective replacement for hormone replacement therapy. Using a tincture of the freshly harvested roots can relieve tension, relax the pelvic muscles, treat PMS, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and vaginal thinning and dryness. Using Black cohosh can help regulate the menstrual cycle and can also help to treat and prevent osteoporosis.
Black cohosh should not be used until the last two weeks of pregnancy because of it's ability to stimulate uterine contractions. Only use during childbirth when a midwife who is skilled in using herbs is present.

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